

1) Complete the following:

. Density is the ……………….. of unit volume of the matter and its unit is …………………


. The measuring unit of volume is ………………, while the measuring unit of density is ……………..


Alloy of ……………….. is used in making jewels, but …………………. alloy is used in making heating coils.


Nickel-chrome alloy is used in making …………………, while ………………… alloy is used in making jewels.


The liquid element its molecule composed of one atom is ……………., while that compose of two atoms is ………………..


Alkaline solutions are …………………. of electricity, while sugary solution is ……………………… of electricity


………………………. solutions area good conductor of electricity, but …………..………….. solutions are bad conductor of electricity


Matter is anything that has ………………. and ………………..


Electric wires are made up of ……………………. or ………………………


A cube side length is 2 cm and its mass is 24 gm so, its density equals ………………..


Equal masses of different substances have different ………………. and …………………


Metallic bridges are painted from time to time to protect them from …………..……


………………….…….. is soft at room temperature, while ………….………………… can’t be soften.


………………….…….. is from active metals, but ………………….……….. is from inactive metals.


The matter is composed of small units called ………………, while these units are composed of smaller units called ………………….


The intermolecular forces among molecules of solids are ………….……. and in gases are ……………..…


Gases are characterized by large ………………………..…. and weak ……………………………..


Oxygen molecule consists of …………………. atoms, while ammonia molecule consists of one ………………….. atom and three hydrogen atoms


Hydrogen molecule consists of ……………. atom(s), while argon molecule consists of ……………. atom(s)


.……………….. take the shape of the container but……………… have definite shape.


The electron has …………………. charge, but the proton has …………………… charge.


In the atom, …………………. has negative charge, while ………………… has neutral charge.


The nucleus of an atom contains positive ……………….. and neutral …………………


The electrons revolve around the …………………… in imaginary regions known as …………………..


Silver symbol is ……………., while sodium symbol is ……………….


The symbol of iron is ……………, while (Hg) is the symbol of ……………….


The symbol of the third energy level is ……..… , while the symbol of the fourth energy level is ………..


The third energy level “M” is saturated with ……….. electrons, while the fourth energy level “N” is saturated with ………….. electrons according to the rule …………


The number of energy levels in the heaviest known atom is ……………………..and the second energy level is filled with ………………. electrons.


The number of protons inside the nucleus of the atom is called ………………… which is equal to the number of ………………..


.Mass number is the sum of ………………… and ………………… which are found in the nucleus of the element


When atomic number equals mass number this means that the atom doesn’t contain …………………


Potassium 19K has ……… electron/s in the outermost energy level, but 18Ar has ……… electron/s in the outermost energy level.


Energy is the ability to do …………………. and its measuring unit is ……………….


.The sun is ……………………..resource of energy, while coal is ……………………… resource of energy.


.Wind and waterfalls are sources of ……………………….. energy


The potential energy of an object depends on ……………....………. and ………………..………


Kinetic energy increases by increasing ………………………. and …………..………..…. of the object.


An object of 20 N weight is placed at 5 m height, it has a potential energy = …………………..


An object its mass is 2 kg and moving at a speed 4 m/sec., so its kinetic energy = ……………….


An object has a kinetic energy 64 joules and its mass 8 kg so, its speed = …………………


Mechanical energy of an object = …………………….. energy + ……………………….. energy


Potential energy equals ………………. on the Earth’s surface, while kinetic energy equals ……………… at the highest point.


.When an object is launched upwards, the potential energy ………………, while kinetic energy …………….


As an object falls downwards, the potential energy ………………….., while the kinetic energy ……………..


If the height of an object increases to double, its potential energy increases to ………………


If the speed of an object increases to double, its kinetic energy increases into ……………………..


If you bounce a basketball on the ground, its velocity …………………. as it comes closer to the ground, and it’s ………………………. energy decreases.


At highest point of the pendulum, the ………………. energy is maximum but …………….. energy is zero.


In simple electric cell, the positive pole is ……………………, while the negative pole is …………………….