
يجب أن نكرس العلم لخدمة المجتمع لنستطيع مواجهة تحديات المستقبل.

We should dedicate science to serve the community to be able to face the challenges of the future.

We should not dedicate science to serve the community to be able to face the challenges of the future.

We should dedicate science to serve the community to be not able to face the challenges of the future.

We should dedicate science to serve the community to be able to face the challenges of the past.


لقد أصبح إقامة المعارض لأثارنا بالخارج هى خير دعاية للحضارة المصرية القديمة.

Doing exhibitions for our monuments abroad has become the best publicity for the ancient Egyptian civilization.

Making exhibitions for our monuments abroad has become the best publicity for the ancient Egyptian civilization.

Making exhibitions for our monuments abroad has become the best publicity for the ancient Egypt civilization.

Making exhibitions for our monuments aboard has become the best publicity for the ancient Egyptian civilization.


إن بناء مجتمعنا الحديث يتطلب توحيد جهود كل أبناءة المخلصين.

The reconstruction of our modern society requires uniting the efforts of all its loyal sons.

The construction of our modern people requires uniting the efforts of all its loyal sons.

The construction of our modern society requires uniting the efforts of all its loyal sons.

The construction of our old society requires uniting the efforts of all its loyal sons.


إن حسن معاملة السائحين هى أفضل دعاية لبلدنا لجذب مزيدا من الافواج السياحية.

The good treatment of tourists is the best publicity for our country to attractive more tourist groups / crocodiles.

The bad treatment of tourists is the best publicity for our country to attract more tourist groups / crocodiles.

The good treatment of tourists are the best publicity for our country to attract more tourist groups / crocodiles.

The good treatment of tourists is the best publicity for our country to attract more tourist groups / crocodiles.


إن ممارسة الرياضة تمكننا من مقاومة الامراض والتمتع بالحياة.

Practicing sports enables us to resist diseases and enjoy life.

Practicing sports enable us to resist diseases and enjoy life.

Practicing sports enables us to resist diseases and disembody life.

Practicing sports enables us to resist disease and enjoy life.


مما لا شك فيه أن التدخين له آثار مدمرة على صحة المدخنين.

No doubt that smoking have devastating effects on the health of smokers.

No doubt that smoking has devastating effect on the health of smokers.

No doubt that smoking has devastating effects in the health of smokers.

No doubt that smoking has devastating effects on the health of smokers.


إن الصحافة هى مرآة المجتمع التى تعكس ثقافته وتقاليده.

The press is the mirror of the society that reflects its culture and traditions.

The press are the mirror of the society that reflects its culture and traditions.

The press is the mirror of the society that reflect its culture and traditions.

The press is the mirror of the society that reflects its agriculture and traditions.


إن تأثير العرب على الحضارة فى شتى مجالات المعرفة لا يمكن إنكاره.

The Arab impact on civilization in various areas of knowledge can not be denied.

The Arab’s impact in civilization in various areas of knowledge can not be denied.

The Arab’s impact on civilization in various areas of knowledge can not be denied.

The Arab’s impact on civilization in various areas of knowledge can be denied.


من الواضح أن تلوث البيئة قد أثر تأثيرا كبيرا على الاحوال المناخية.

It is not clear that the environmental pollution has had a significant impact on the climatic conditions.

It is clear that the environmental pollution has had a significant impact on the climatic conditions.

It is clear that the environment pollution has had a significant impact on the climatic conditions.

It is clear that the environmental pollution has has a significant impact on the climatic conditions.


يجب أن نشجع أوالدنا على القراءة فى سن مبكرة حتى يمكن تكوين شخصيتهم.

We must not encourage our children to read at an early age to be able to configure their personality.

We must encourage our children to reads at an early age to be able to configure their personality.

We must encourage our children to read at an early age to be able to configure their personality.

We must encourage our children to read at an late age to be able to configure their personality.


يعد التليفزيون أرخص وسيلة لنشر المعرفة بين مختلف طبقات الشعب.

Television are the cheapest way to spread knowledge among the different classes of people.

Television is the cheapest way to spreading knowledge among the different classes of people.

Television is the cheapest way to spread knowledge among the different classed of people.

Television is the cheapest way to spread knowledge among the different classes of people.


يسهم بناء المجتمعات الجديدة فى حل مشكلة الاسكان بقدر كبير.

Building new communities contributes a lot to solving the house problem.

Building new communities contributes lot to solving the housing problem.

Building new community contributes a lot to solving the housing problem.

Building new communities contributes a lot to solving the housing problem.


لقد تغلبت المرأة المصرية على قيود المجتمع التقليدية وأصبحت تشارك الرجل فى كافة الميادين.

The Egyptian women has overcome the traditional restrictions of society and begun to share men in all fields.

The Egyptian woman have overcome the traditional restrictions of society and begun to share men in all fields.

The Egyptian woman has overcome the traditional restrictions of society and begun to share men in all fields.

The Egyptian woman has overcome the traditional restrictions of society and begin to share men in all fields.


من المتوقع أن تصبح سياحة الفضاء أكثر شيوعا فى المستقبل القريب.

It is not expected that space tourism will become more common in the near future.

It is expected that space terrorism will become more common in the near future.

It is expected that space tourism will become more common in the near future.

It is expected that space tourism will became more common in the near future.


يعانى العالم حاليا من حالة ركود اقتصادى نتيجة لتدهور البورصات العالمية.

The world are currently suffering from an economic recession as a result of the deterioration of global stock markets.

The world is currently suffering from an economic recession as a result of the deterioration of global stock markets.

The world is currently suffering from an economy recession as a result of the deterioration of global stock markets.

The world is currently suffering for an economic recession as a result of the deterioration of global stock markets.


إن الصينيين هم أول من صنعوا الورق من الخشب مما أدى الى تحسين صناعته وخفض تكلفته.

The Chinese was the first to make paper from wood, which resulted in improving its industry and reducing its cost.

The Chinese were the first to make paper from wood, which resulted in improving its industry and reducing its cost.

The Chinese were the second to make paper from wood, which resulted in improving its industry and reducing its cost.

The Chinese were the first to make paper from wood, which resulted in proving its industry and reducing its cost.


يحتفل الناس بمراسم الزفاف بطرق متنوعة تختلف من دولة لأخرى.

People celebrate wedding ceremonies in several ways which vary from two country to another.

People celebrate wedding ceremonies in several way which vary from one country to another.

People celebrates wedding ceremonies in several ways which vary from one country to another.

People celebrate wedding ceremonies in several ways which vary from one country to another.


لقد أصبح تعلم اللغات الاجنبية ضروريا فى هذه الايام للحصول على وظيفة.

Learning foreign languages have become necessary nowadays to get a job.

Learning foreign languages has become necessary nowadays to get a job.

Learning foreign languages has not become necessary nowadays to get a job.

Learning foreign language has become necessary nowadays to get a job.


يجب أن نتناول الكمية المناسبة من الطعام الطازج لنبقى بصحة جيدة.

We shouldn’t have the right amount of fresh food to stay healthy.

We should have the right amount for fresh food to stay healthy.

We should have the right amount of fresh food to stay healthy.

We should have the right amount of bad food to stay healthy.


بدون نهر النيل لن تكون لدى مصر مياه تكفى لرى أراضيها الزراعية.

Without the Nile River, Egypt will have enough water to irrigate its farmland.

Without the Nile River, Egypt won’t have enough water to irritate its farmland.

With the Nile River, Egypt won’t have enough water to irrigate its farmland.

Without the Nile River, Egypt won’t have enough water to irrigate its farmland.