
ترجمة إلى الانجليزية :-

 اختر الترجمة الصحيحة :

لايمكن أن نتجاهل دور المرأة على مدى الاجيال فى تحقيق تقدم المجتمع.

We can ignore the role of women along generations in achieving society progress.

We can’t ignore the rule of women along generations in achieving society progress.

We can’t ignore the role of women along generations in achieving society progress.

We can’t ignore the role of woman along generations in achieving society progress.


إن التطور الكبير فى المجال الصناعى والزراعى يرجع الى الاكتشافات والاختراعات العلمية الاخيرة.

The big development in industry and agricultural fields is due to the recent scientific discoveries and inventions.

The big development in industrial and cultural fields is due to the recent scientific discoveries and inventions.

The big development in industrial and agricultural fields is due to the recent scientific discoveries and inventions.

The big development in industrial and agricultural fields is due to the recent science discoveries and inventions.


يعتبر ارتفاع الاسعار مشكلة معقدة ويمكن حلها فى زيادة الانتاج والصادرات.

The rises in prices is a complex problem and can be solved by increasing production and exports.

The rise in prices are a complex problem and can be solved by increasing production and exports.

The rise in prices is a complex problem and can be solved by increasing production and exports.

The rise in prices is a complex problem and can not be solved by increasing production and exports.


نستطيع أن نتعلم الكثير من خلال السفر للدول الاجنبية مثل عادات وتقاليد وأسلوب حياتهم.

We can not learn a lot by traveling to foreign countries: such as their customs, traditions and way of life.

We can learn a lot by traveling to foreign countries: such as their customs, traditions and way of life.

We can learn a lot by traveling to foreign countries: such for their customs, traditions and way of life.

We can learn a lot by traveling to foreign countries: such as their customs, traditions and ways of life.


للمدرسة تأثير كبير على الطفل حيث أنها تمده بالخبرات اللازمة التى تساعده فى حل مشاكله.

School has a significant impact on the child as it provides him with the necessary experiences which help him solve his

School have a significant impact on the child as it provides him with the necessary experiences which help him solve his

Schools has a significant impact on the child as it provides him with the necessary experiences which help him solve his

School has a significant impact on the child as it provides him with the necessary experiments which help him solve his


إن ارتفاع درجة الحرارة والفيضانات والامطار الغزيرة والاعاصير هى نتائج سيئة للتلوث البيئى.

High temperature, floods, heavy rains and tornadoes are bad results for environmental pollution.

Height temperature, floods, heavy rains and tornadoes are bad results for environmental pollution.

High temperature, floods, heavy rains and tornadoes is bad results for environmental pollution.

High temperature, floods, heavy rains and tornadoes are bad results for environment pollution.


تعد المراسلة الهواية المفضلة للشباب فهى تخبرهم عن عادات وتقاليد وتاريخ شعوب أخرى.

Correspondence is the favourite hobby of young people as it tell them about the customs, traditions and the history of other

Correspondence is the favourite hobby of old people as it tells them about the customs, traditions and the history of other

Correspondence are the favourite hobby of young people as it tells them about the customs, traditions and the history of other

Correspondence is the favourite hobby of young people as it tells them about the customs, traditions and the history of other


يجب أن نتمسك بعادات وتقاليد ومبادئ أسلافنا لنحافظ على كيان مجتمعنا.

We must kept to the customs, traditions and principles of our ancestors to preserve the integrity of our society.

We must not keep to the customs, traditions and principles of our ancestors to preserve the integrity of our society.

We must keep to the customs, traditions and principles for our ancestors to preserve the integrity of our society.

We must keep to the customs, traditions and principles of our ancestors to preserve the integrity of our nation.


ينبغى أن نحافظ على نظافة مدينتنا ونحميها من التلوث بكافة صوره.

We should maintain the clean of our city and protect it from pollution in all its forms.

We should not maintain the cleanliness of our city and protect it from pollution in all its forms.

We should maintain the cleanliness of our city and protect it from pollution in all its forms.

We should maintain the cleanliness of our city and protective it from pollution in all its forms.


حذرنى الطبيب من التدخين لما له من آثار سيئة على الصحة.

The doctor warn me from smoking because of its bad effects on health.

The doctor warned me from smoking because of its bad effects on health.

The doctor warned me to smoking because of its bad effects on health.

The doctor warned me from smoking because of its good effects on health.


لقد أصبح العالم قرية صغيرة بفضل وسائل االعالم والاتصال.

The world has become a small village thanks to media and communication means.

The world have become a small village thanks to media and communication means.

The world has become a big village thanks to media and communication means.

The world has become a small village thanks to media and communication mean.


إن تمسكنا بقيمنا الدينية وتقاليدنا وثقافتنا ذات أهمية كبيرة لمواجهة الاثار الضارة للعولمة.

Our stick to our religion values, traditions and culture is of great importance to face the bad effects of globalization.

Our stick to our religious values, traditions and culture are of great importance to face the bad effects of globalization.

Our stick to our religious values, traditions and culture is of bad importance to face the bad effects of globalization.

Our stick to our religious values, traditions and culture is of great importance to face the bad effects of globalization.


يمكن تجنب الكثير من الامراض عن طريق اتباع العادات الغذائية السليمة.

It’s not possible to avoid a lot of diseases by following healthy dietary habits.

It’s possible to avoid a lot of diseases by fallowing healthy dietary habits.

It’s possible to avoid lot of diseases by following healthy dietary habits.

It’s possible to avoid a lot of diseases by following healthy dietary habits.


إن المتاحف المصرية مليئة بالكنوز المصرية التى يجب الحفاظ عليها.

The Egyptian museum are full of Egyptian treasures that must be preserved.

The Egyptian museums is full of Egyptian treasures that must be preserved.

The Egyptian museums are full of Egyptian treasures that must not be preserved.

The Egyptian museums are full of Egyptian treasures that must be preserved.


إعادة بناء مكتبة الاسكندرية إحياء للتراث الثقافى الذى يعد مرآة تعكس حضارتنا.

Building the Alexandria Library is a revival of cultural heritage, which is the mirror which reflects our civilization.

Rebuilding the Alexandria Library are a revival of cultural heritage, which is the mirror which reflects our civilization.

Rebuilding the Alexandria Library is a revival of cultural heritage, which is the mirror which reflects our civilization.

Rebuilding the Alexandria Library is a revival of agricultural heritage, which is the mirror which reflects our


يجب أن يتحد الشعب المصرى ويقف كرجل واحد لمواجهة تحديات العصر.

The Egypt people should unite and stand as one man to face the challenges of the age.

The Egyptian people should unite and stand as one man to face the challenges of the age.

The Egyptian people should not unite and stand as one man to face the challenges of the age.

The Egyptian people should unite and stand as one men to face the challenges of the age.


ينبغى علينا خلق مجتمع منتج ومتعاون يسوده السلام والحب.

We should create a productive and cooperative society which peace and love prevail.

We should not create a productive and cooperative society which peace and love prevail.

We should create a productivity and cooperative society which peace and love prevail.

We should create a productive and cooperative society which peaceful and love prevail.


يجب الاهتمام بتربية أطفالنا وتنشئتهم اجتماعيا لكى يصبحوا مواطنين صالحين فى المستقبل.

We must take care of raising our children and socialize them to become good citizens in the future.

We must to take care of raising our children and socialize them to become good citizens in the future.

We must not take care of raising our children and socialize them to become good citizens in the future.

We must take care of raising our children and socialize them to became good citizens in the future.


إن تحديد النسل وتنظيم الاسرة من أفضل الحلول لمشكلة زيادة السكان.

Birth control and family planning are one of the best solutions to the problem of increasing population.

Birth control and family planning are two of the best solutions to the problem of increasing population.

Birth control and family planning are two of the best resolutions to the problem of increasing population.

Birth control and family planning are two of the best solutions to the problems of increasing population.


إن تحديد النسل وتنظيم الاسرة من أفضل الحلول لمشكلة زيادة السكان.

Birth control and family planning are one of the best solutions to the problem of increasing population.

Birth control and family planning are two of the best solutions to the problem of increasing population.

Birth control and family planning are two of the best resolutions to the problem of increasing population.

Birth control and family planning are two of the best solutions to the problems of increasing population.


لقد أطلقت مصر قمرين صناعيين ليسهمان فى نشر حضارتنا وثقافتنا فى جميع أنحاء العالم.

Egypt has launched two satellites for contribute to spreading our civilization and culture in all over the world.

Egypt has launched three satellites to contribute to spreading our civilization and culture in all over the world.

Egypt has launched two satellites to contribute to spreading our civilization and culture in all over the world.

Egypt have launched two satellites to contribute to spreading our civilization and culture in all over the world.


مما لا شك فيه أن إعادة تعمير سيناء وجعلها مركزا سياحيا عالميا هو هدف استراتيجى.

There is doubt that the reconstruction of Sinai and making it an international tourist center is a strategic goal.

There is no doubt that the reconstruction of Sinai and making it a national tourist center is a strategic goal.

There is no doubt that the reconstruction of Sinai and making it an international tourist center is a stray goal.

There is no doubt that the reconstruction of Sinai and making it an international tourist center is a strategic goal.


يمكن أن يكون للبرامج التعليمية دورا كبيرا فى النهوض بالعملية التعليمية.

Educational programs cannot have a major role in the advancement of the educational process.

Educational programs can have a major rule in the advancement of the educational process.

Education programs can have a major role in the advancement of the educational process.

Educational programs can have a major role in the advancement of the educational process.


الطفل هو النواة لمجتمع ناجح إذا ما احسن تربيته منذ طفولته.

The child are the nucleus of a successful society if properly brought up since childhood.

The child is the nucleus of a successful society if properly brought up since childhood.

The child is the nucleus of a success society if properly brought up since childhood.

The child is the nucleus of a successful society if properly brought up before childhood.


يؤدى ترشيد الاستهلاك وزيادة الانتاج لرفع مستوى المعيشة.

Rationalizing consumption and increasing production leads to raising the standard of living.

Rationalizing consumption and increasing production lead to raising the standard of living.

Rationalizing consumption and increasing production lead to raising the standards of living.

Rationalizing consumption and increasing production lead for raising the standard of living.