
ترجمة إلى الانجليزية :-

 اختر الترجمة الصحيحة:

ينبغى أن نشجع الشباب على ممارسة الرياضة لمساعدتهم على قضاء وقت فراغهم.

We should discourage young people to practice sports to help them spend their free time.

We should not encourage young people to practice sports to help them spend their free time.

We should encourage young people to practice sports to help them spend their free time.

We should encourage old people to practice sports to help them spend their free time.


يجب على الشرطة محاربة جرائم الاعتداء والاغتصاب والاختطاف والتزوير والاحتيال.

The police must fight crimes of assault, rape, kidnapping, forgery and fraud.

The police must not fight crimes of assault, rape, kidnapping, forgery and fraud.

The police must fight crime of assault, rape, kidnapping, forgery and fraud.

The police must keep crimes of assault, rape, kidnapping, forgery and fraud.


لا يمكن أن ينكر أحد دور الرياضة فى حياة الامم والافراد.

No one can deny the role of sport in the lives of nations and individuals.

No one can deny the rule of sport in the lives of nations and individuals.

No one can deny the role of sport in the live of nations and individuals.

No one can deny the role of sport in the lives of intentions and individuals.


لقد أثبتت مصر على مر تاريخها بأنها بلد التسامح الديني ومهد الحضارات.

Egypt have shown throughout its history that it is a country of religious tolerance and the cradle of civilizations.

Egypt has shown throughout its history that it is a country of religion tolerance and the cradle of civilizations.

Egypt has shown throughout its history that it is a country of religious tolerance and the cradle of civilizations.

Egypt has show throughout its history that it is a country of religious tolerance and the cradle of civilizations.


من أهم أهداف الحكومة توفير فرص عمل لشباب الخريجين الجدد وتحقيق الرخاء والرفاهية.

One of the most important goal of the government is to provide job opportunities for young graduates and achieve prosperity
and welfare.

One of the most important goals of the government is to provide job opportunities for young graduates and achieve prosperity
and welfare.

One of the most important goals of the government are to provide job opportunities for young graduates and achieve prosperity
and welfare.

One of the most important goals of the government is to provide job opportunities for young graduates and achieve prosperity
and freedom.


يجب أن يكون للحكومة دورًا كبيرًا فى مكافحة كل المعوقات التى تعوق الانتاج.

The government should have a major role in the fight of all the obstacles that hinder production.

The government should have a major rule in the fight against all the obstacles that hinder production.

The government should have not a major role in the fight against all the obstacles that hinder production.

The government should have a major role in the fight against all the obstacles that hinder production.


يعكس تحسين اقتصادنا نتائج إيجابية على حياة المواطن المصري

Improving our economy reflects positive results on the lives of the Egyptian citizen.

Improving our economic reflects positive results on the lives of the Egyptian citizen.

Improving our economy reflects negative results on the lives of the Egyptian citizen.

Improving our economy reflects positive results on the life’s of the Egyptian citizen.


تعد المشكلة السكانية أخطر المشاكل التى تواجه بلدنا فى الوقت الحالى

The population problem are the most serious problem facing our country at this time.

The pulsations problem is the most serious problem facing our country at this time.

The population problem is the most serious problem facing our country at this time.

The pollution problem is the most serious problem facing our country at this time.


لقد أصبحت مياه الشرب مشكلة عالمية يمكن أن تؤدى الى حروب بين كثير من الدول.

Drinking water have become a global problem that could lead to wars between many countries.

Drinking water has become a global problem that could not lead to wars between many countries.

Drinking water has become a global problem that could lead to wars between many countries.

Drinking water has become a global problem that could lead to wars between much countries.


إن حسن استغلال مواردنا المائية هو هدف قومى يجب أن يتعاون الجميع من أجل تطبيقه.

The good use of our water resources is a international goal which everyone must cooperate to apply.

The good use of our water resources are a national goal which everyone must cooperate to apply.

The good use of our water sources is a national goal which everyone must cooperate to apply.

The good use of our water resources is a national goal which everyone must cooperate to apply.


إن الشعب المصرى بأسره يرفض الارهاب والعنف وقتل الابرياء.

The Egyptian people as a whole reject terrorism, violence and the killing of innocent people.

The Egyptian people as a whole rejects terrorism, violence and the killing of innocent people.

The Egyptian people as a whole rejects tourism, violence and the killing of innocent people.

The Egypt people as a whole rejects terrorism, violence and the killing of innocent people.


إن مصر هى مهد الحضارة والاديان ولن تكون أبدًا منبعًا للعنف والارهاب والتطرف.

Egypt are the cradle of civilization and religions and will never be a source of violence, terrorism or extremism.

Egypt is the cradle of civilization and religions and will never be a source of violence, terrorism or extremism.

Egypt is the cradle of civilization and religious and will never be a source of violence, terrorism or extremism.

Egypt is the cradle of civilization and religions and will be a source of violence, terrorism or extremism.


يجب أن نمحو أمية الكبار لخلق مجتمع مثقف على دراية بحقوقه وواجباته.

We should erase adults’ literacy to create a literate society aware of their rights and duties.

We should erase adults’ illiteracy to create a literate society dishware of their rights and duties.

We should erase adults’ illiteracy to create a literate society aware of their rights and duties.

We should not erase adults’ illiteracy to create a literate society aware of their rights and duties.


إن بناء الطرق والكبارى العلوية من أهم الوسائل لحل أزمة المواصلات.

The construction of roads and overbridges is one of the most important means to solve the transportation crisis.

The reconstruction of roads and overbridges is one of the most important means to solve the transportation crisis.

The construction of roads and overbridges are one of the most important means to solve the transportation crisis.

The construction of roads and overbridges is two of the most important means to solve the transportation crisis.


إن الشباب هم العمود الفقرى لتقدم أى أمة لذا يجب الاهتمام بهم.

Young people is the backbone of the progress of any nation so attention must be paid to them.

Young people are the backbone of the progress of nation so attention must be paid to them.

Young people are the backbone of the progress of any nation so attention must not be paid to them.

Young people are the backbone of the progress of any nation so attention must be paid to them.


إن مصر بها كافة مقومات السياحة التى يمكن أن تجعلها فى مقدمة دول العالم السياحية.

Egypt have all the elements of tourism which can make it in the forefront of the world tourist countries.

Egypt has all the elements of tourism which can made it in the forefront of the world tourist countries.

Egypt has all the elements of tourism which can make it in the freedom of the world tourist countries.

Egypt has all the elements of tourism which can make it in the forefront of the world tourist countries.


لقد ساهم التقدم العلمى المذهل فى حدوث طفرة هائلة فى كافة نواحى الحياة.

The science progress has contributed to making a breakthrouth in all aspects of life.

The scientific progress has contributed to making a breakthrouth in all aspects of life.

The scientist’s progress has contributed to making a breakthrouth in all aspects of life.

The scientific progress have contributed to making a breakthrouth in all aspects of life.


لم يعد معرض الكتاب وسيلة لبيع الكتب فقط ولكنه أصبح مركزًا للثقافة والفنون والعلوم.

The Book Fair is longer a way to sell books only, but it has become a center for culture, arts and sciences.

The Book Fair is not no longer a way to sell books only, but it has become a center for culture, arts and sciences.

The Book Fair is no longer a way to sell books only, but it has become a center for culture, arts and sciences.

The Book Fair is no longer a way to sell books only, but it has become a center for agriculture, arts and sciences.


للمكتبة المدرسية دورها الكبير فى العملية التعليمية لانها تحتوى على كنوز المعرفة.

The school library has its great role in the educational process because they contain the treasures of knowledge.

The school library have its great role in the educational process because they contain the treasures of knowledge.

The school library has its great rule in the educational process because they contain the treasures of knowledge.

The school library has its great role in the education process because they contain the treasures of knowledge.


تسعى الدولة الى تحسين مرتبات المدرسين وهذا بدوره ينعكس إيجابيا على العملية التعليمية.

The state seeks to prove teachers’ salaries and this in turn will reflect positively on the educational process.

The state seeks to improve teachers’ salaries and this in turn will not reflect positively on the educational process.

The state seeks to prove teachers’ salaries and this in turn will reflect positively on the educational process.

The state seeks to improve teachers’ salaries and this in turn will reflect positively on the educational process.


تعتبر مصر واحة للأمان الذى يعد الركيزة الاساسية للإستقرار الاقتصادي والاجتماعي.

Egypt is an oasis of safe, which is the mainstay of the economic and social stability.

Egypt is an oasis of safety, which is the mainstay of the economy and social stability.

Egypt is an oasis of safety, which is the mainstay of the economic and social stability.

Egypt are an oasis of safety, which is the mainstay of the economic and social stability.


يقام بالقاهرة مهرجان للسينما كل عام حيث تعرض فيه االعمال السينمائية المتميزة من جميع أنحاء العالم 

Every year a film festival are held in Cairo, where the distinguished cinematic works from around the world are performed.

Every year a film festival is held in Cairo, where the distinguished cinematic works from around the world are performed.

Every year a film festival is held in Cairo, where the distinguished cinematic works from around the world is performed.

Every year a film festival is held in Egypt, where the distinguished cinematic works from around the world are performed.


تعلمنا المرحلة الثورية كيفية مواجهة التحديات بسرعة وبحكمة.

The revolutionary period taught us how to face challenges quickly and wisely.

The revolutionary period taught us how to hand challenges quickly and wisely.

The revolutionary period taught us how to facing challenges quickly and wisely.

The revolutionary period taught us how to face challenges quick and wise.


يجب أن نكون شاكرين لوالدينا لما قدموا لنا من تضحيات على مدى حياتهم.

We should not be thankful to our parents for what they have given us of sacrifices over their lives.

We should be thank to our parents for what they have given us of sacrifices over their lives.

We should be thankful to our parents for what they have given us of sacrifices over their lives.

We should be thankful to our parents for what they have give us of sacrifices over their lives.


إن الشباب هم أمل الامة فى تحقيق مشروعاتها الزراعية والصناعية.

Youth is the hope of the nation to achieve its agricultural and industrial projects.

Youth are the hope of the nation to achieve its agricultural and industrial projects.

Youth are the hope of the intention to achieve its agricultural and industrial projects.

Youth are the hope of the nation to achieve its cultural and industrial projects.